What Does == Mean In Python

Python can be complicated even for the most technically minded programmers out there.

When even a wayward ‘space’ can mean the difference between success or not you have to be incredibly careful what you do.

Learning Python can be extremely complicated and when you start using this programming language you should really know what you are talking about.

Especially if you intend to succeed. But before we tackle what == means in coding let us take a closer look at python and what exactly it is. 

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What Exactly Is Python And What Is It Used For?

What Does == Mean In Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and it is used in a wide variety of machines and technology.

Website building, software rests, machine learning. The list goes on and on.  Best of all, this programming language can be used by just about anyone.

So, whether you are a developer or just someone interested in using Python you can enjoy learning this programming language.

This means that it can be used by a variety of people including professional programmers, accountants, scientists, and just about anyone that could have a use for computer programming. 

Python, as we have stated, is a computer programming language that we use to automate tasks, build software, build websites, do data analysis, and much more.

This language can be used to create a wide variety of programs which means that it is not specialized for any one task.

Python is also quite easy for beginners to get the hang of. So, not only is this language extremely versatile, it is easy to use once you understand how the programming works. 

Where Did The Name Python Come From?

Python programming was actually inspired by Monty Python. The programming language known as Python was actually created by Guido van Rossum and when he was creating it he was reading scripts from Monty Python’s Flying Circus the movie.

But why did this script inspire the naming of Python programming? Well if you take a look at the Flying Circus series you can see that it is funny, random, and full of twists.

It is not boring at all and is highly unpredictable. As a fan of Monty Python, Guido van Rossum was looking for a name for his new program that gave off an air of uniqueness and mystique.

He wanted something short. So what better name than Python after one of his favorite series. 

What Does == Mean in Python? 

So, we have found that Python is a programming language that is used to create a great variety of programs, website development, software testing everyday tasks, data analysis, machine learning, and more.

While programming can be complicated and there are a plethora of things we could cover in this article, the main question we need to answer is what == means in Python coding.

The short answer is that two consecutive equals signs are used to check if two expressions have or give the same value.

So, == is essentially an equality operator. For example, x==y would be untrue because these two letters have been assigned different values.

But, y==z is considered to be true because these two letters have been assigned equal values. 

For those of you that are new to Python programming, let us use a different example. 

If you have twin dogs, they both look identical. They are both pure golden retrievers, have the same golden coat coloring, the same deep brown eyes and they were the same sex.

Aside from some personality quirks the two of them are so similar, that you cannot tell them apart just by looking at them.

These dogs are obviously not the same animal and are their own separate beings. The point we are trying to make here is that there is a difference between being dental and equal.

If you can understand this difference and apply it to Python programming then you will be able to more easily understand how the == works.

So, if these two dogs were Python objects and you used == to compare them, what you would really be saying is that both dogs are equal.

So to sum this up, if you are using == to express and evaluate an object you are referring to two objects as equal. 

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we are going to answer a few questions concerning Python programming so that you can better understand how it works and of course have your most burning questions answered. 

How Stable is Python?

When you apply Python to real-world programs and issues you will find that it is extremely stable. In fact, there have been stable releases as far back as 1991 when it first arrived on the scene. 

Is Python a Good Language for Beginner Programmers?

Yes, this programming language is actually quite easy to learn and is even taught to students as their first programming language.

It is by no means an easy language to master but as far as programming languages go it is quite a user friendly program. 

How Do You  Learn Python if You Have Never Programmed Before?

There are a ton of ways you can go about learning Python programming. If you are a visual learner you can watch any of the numerous tutorials available online.

If you like to learn by reading then there are tons of books on this topic.

There are also a series of online courses that you can take which will help you learn through both of these learning methods as well as allowing you the opportunity to practice alongside someone that knows and understands Python Programming. 

Final Thoughts 

We hope that you enjoyed learning about python coding and finding out what == means.

It can be a complicated concept to grasp, but if you try to understand Python programming in general you will be able to understand this concept quite easily.

We just hope that our article has helped you to better understand what == meaning in Python programming. 

We wish you luck with your learning and hope that you enjoy learning more about Python programming.

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