Can I Learn Java and Python at the Same Time?

Learning new programming languages can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. But, at least that is covered online in numerous topics. But, the question is, can you simultaneously learn two complex things, such as Java and Python?

In this article, find out if you can learn Python and Java simultaneously and not lose your brain during those times. 

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Java Learning Curve

Can I Learn Java and Python at the Same Time?

Java is one of the easiest programming languages for beginners because of its “object-orientedness,” type safety, and general simplicity. 

Understanding Java looks simpler than C or C++, where comprehending references is enough to drive engineers insane.

At what point can you be sure that you understand Java? What does it mean to “have learned” a language, and how do you get there?

The short version is that it can take anything from six months to decades to get from relative to absolute Java competency. So what accounts for the difference? First, let’s examine how learning Java works in more detail.

Here are some ranks in the learning curve:

  1. Completing simple practice exercises from 101 programming books with the message Hello World.
  2. Proficiency – a programmer can create workable programs but must first learn the features and available technologies.
  3. Fluency – writing complicated answers doesn’t require a lot of references.
  4. Nativeness – You may freely utilize the complete Java toolkit and don’t need references to design complex solutions. Your code is indistinguishable from that of a native speaker.

And if you are wondering where you can learn Java, keep reading!

The top platforms where you can learn to work in Java are: 

  2. CodinGame 
  3. CodeHunt


But, to answer the question further, how long does it take to learn Java? 

Well, if you practice coding for 2-3 hours daily, becoming a proficient Java programmer typically takes 1-2 years. It can take as little as four months to become skilled enough in the language to modify other people’s code or create simple apps.

Python Learning Curve

Python is one of the world’s most widely used and sought-after programming languages.

But how can one learn Python the best?

Python basics normally take two to six months to learn. You could, however, rapidly pick up enough information to create your first simple software.

The abundance of available learning resources would be the challenging aspect. It might take months or years to learn how to use all of Python’s libraries.

How much Python you need to know to complete your intended task will determine how long it takes you to learn Python, among other things. 

For instance, you can learn Python more rapidly if your goal is to automate a task at work rather than study Python to become a data analyst. Additional elements that may impact how quickly you learn Python include the following:

  1. Previous programming experience: You could find that Python comes more easily to you if you’ve previously written code.
  2. Learning strategy: Depending on your learning objectives, well-structured courses may help you learn more quickly.
  3. Learning time: How much time can you commit to studying and practicing Python? Generally speaking, setting aside a little time each day is a good idea.

It takes some time to get to know the program and master it in the end, but it is all worth it. 

But is it more worth it than Java?

Keep reading to find out.

Can I Learn Java and Python Simultaneously?

It has less to do with the particular languages and more to do with the fact that you’re attempting to master two concepts that are similar but have distinct rules. 

Due to their lack of expertise, novices tend to take basic things more seriously than experienced people. 

  • Python strings, for instance, can be quoted with ” marks. Strings in Java can only be quoted using “. 
  • A variable must be explicitly declared in Java. 
  • The variable name is only used once in a Python declaration. 
  • Variables must be specified with a type in Java, whereas type hints are all Python offers (and they are a newer feature that not all codebases use). 

Things like that.

Nothing prevents you from learning both; it will simply be more complex than concentrating on one rather than both.

And no, you won’t lose your brain; you must be super disciplined, though.

Python or Java for Beginners?

Learn Python because its syntax is simpler to learn if you’re only interested in programming and want to take baby steps rather than diving headfirst.

Go with Java first if you want to pursue a career in computer science or engineering since it will help you learn how programming works from the inside out. Python would be easier to comprehend if you used it after Java.

If you ever want to create mobile apps, choose Java since Android requires it, and if you also want to develop apps for iOS, you can learn Swift pretty quickly when you finish studying Java.

When learning any of the two, be sure to choose the appropriate materials because that will determine whether you enjoy it or not.

To make it easier for you to choose, here is the “Hello World” problem in both Java and Python.

Here is what the “Hello World” programming looks like in Java: 

class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!"); 

And here is what the “Hello World” looks like in Python:

print('Hello, world!')

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Java is harder to learn, don’t fall on that trick!

For What Do You Need Java?

Many programs and websites utilize Java, and they won’t function unless you install Java. 

You are effectively denying yourself access to technology infrastructure if you refuse to learn Java at some point.

Java is a language of choice for everything from laptops to data centers, gaming consoles to scientific supercomputers, and smartphones to the Internet. 

The following is a list of some typical Java uses:

  • Java is run on 97% of enterprise desktops.
  • Java is installed on 89% of US desktops (or computers).
  • There are 9 million Java developers around the globe.
  • Three billion mobile devices use Java.
  • Over 5 billion Java Cards are in use right now.
  • In 125 million TVs, Java is installed.
  • Java ME is shipped by 5 of the Top 10 Original Equipment Manufacturers.

For What Do You Need Python?

Python is frequently used to create websites and applications, automate repetitive tasks, and analyze and display data. 

Since Python is easy to learn, many professionals who are not programmers, such as accountants and scientists, have utilized it for a variety of mundane tasks, including handling funds. 

So, what is Python capable of? Some items consist of:

  • Data analysis and artificial intelligence
  • Creation of various websites
  • Scripting or automation
  • Software prototyping and testing
  • Routine chores


All in all, both Python and Java are, well, something. They are not hard to learn if you accept that there will be bumps during the whole period. 

You might feel discouraged at times because there are a lot of coders/programmers out there, and it might seem that each of them is doing better than you. 

But, just remember, you are on the path, follow it, and you will end up somewhere far away than you are right now. 

Good luck, and don’t give up!

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