Java has been a staple of the web and application development industry since its inception in 1995. It is one of the most commonly used programming languages and is perfect for creating interactive and unique apps and websites.
Since 2002 it has increased in popularity. But how important is it for your PC?
Let’s say you’re doing a little spring clean of your windows PC. Over time, small things can add up and you’ll find your machine plagued with a dozen different programs that you’re not sure if you ever downloaded.
There will be applications that you don’t use, and others that you might not be sure of. So let’s say you see Java on your Windows 10 PC. Is this something you need? Is it essential for running something, or can you just delete it?

If you find yourself asking yourself this question, we’re here to help! In this article, we’re going to into detail about Java on your Windows 10 PC – why it’s there, what it’s used for, and whether or not you need to keep it!
We’ve also included a short FAQ that will help answer some additional questions you may have.
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What Is Java And What Happens If You Uninstall It From Your PC?
The first thing you need to know is that Java and JavaScript are two different things. JavaScript is a scripting language that allows certain elements of a web browser.
This is completely unrelated to the ‘Java’ program that you’re likely to see on your PC.
Java is a programming language. It is used by websites as the basis for certain applications, browsers or websites.
The main reason you’ll find Java on your computer is that it is usually downloaded when you need to use it.
Any application that uses Java will download as part of that package and runs on your PC as an independent program.
The most likely thing for you to have on your PC is a program called ‘Java VIrtual Machine.’ It’s hard to explain exactly what this is without going into specialist terminology, but it’s basically an environment that allows Java programs and functions to work without interacting – and potentially damaging – other software you might have installed.
So then, what happens if you uninstall Java from you PC? Well, if you do this right away then nothing is likely to happen.
Don’t worry! Uninstalling Java isn’t going to make your PC explode or make you get some terrible bluescreen error message.
But here’s the thing – there are a whole host of different pieces of software that need in it order to run. So the worst thing that will happen if you uninstall Java is that certain programs or applications will stop working.
So here’s a good rule to go by. If you don’t have Java installed on your PC, and you aren’t running into any issues – you probably don’t need it!
If you uninstal it and don’t find anything amiss, then it’s probably all fine. And if you do run into some kind of issue, then all you need to do is download Java online.
Java Viruses
One of the main reasons why some people are careful about installing Java programs is that viruses within Java programs do exist.
The term ‘virus’ is something that can’t be neatly defined, but when it comes to Java programs, there are certain web pages that will try to download malicious programs onto your computer.
What these programs will do is search for Java on your PC, and then use it in order to either do damage or steal data.
Without having Java on your PC, this avenue of weakness does not exist. The thing is, downloading programs such as this is something that you can avoid simply by being careful with the kind of things you’re downloading.
If you’re surfing the internet and you find a program downloading that you don’t recognize, take some time to see what it is and make sure that it’s something safe.
Final Thoughts
So to conclude, it’s hard to know whether or not you will need Java on your Windows 10 PC. there are many programs and websites that use it in order to function, but that’s not to say that you’ll need it.
If you’re not sure, simply uninstall it and go about your business. If you need it then you’re likely to know quite soon.
We hope that this article has given you some advice about Java and why you might want it (or not) on your Windows 10 PC.
The last piece of advice we’d like to recommend is that you always take caution whenever you download an unknown program on your PC.
If you discover something installed that you’ve never seen before, it’s a good idea to check if it’s something you need or something that can do damage to your computer!
If you still have some questions, check below for our FAQ.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need Java If I Use Chrome?
Google uses Java as a foundation but that’s not to say you have to have Java installed on your PC. When you load a website in which Java is used, you may need it in order to support the website.
Can Java Give Your PC A Virus?
On its own, Java is not going to give you a Virus, but it is a way that attackers can damage your PC.
There are computer viruses specifically written to exploit weaknesses within Java. As long as you have virus protection software this shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
What Has Replaced Java?
In recent times, Google is beginning to replace it on their android applications with a language known as Kotlin.
How Do I Uninstall Java?
Uninstalling Java is simple, all you have to do is go to the control panel on your PC (which you can access by typing it into the search bar at the bottom left corner of your screen). Go to Remove Programs, open this up, search for Java and click ‘uninstall.’
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