Master How to Call a Class in Python: Easy-to-Follow Guide

Python is a powerful programming language that provides developers with a wide range of tools and functionalities to work with. One of the fundamental concepts in Python is classes, which allow developers to create their objects and define their properties and methods. In this guide, we will show you how to call a class in Python, from invoking a class to working with its methods and attributes.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with Python, understanding how to call a class is essential for building robust and scalable applications. Join us, and let’s dive into the world of Python classes!

Key Takeaways

  • Python classes are crucial for creating custom objects and defining their properties and methods.
  • Calling a class in Python involves creating a new instance of a class and using its methods and attributes.
  • To create a class instance in Python, you need to initialize the class constructor and assign values to its properties.
  • Working with attributes in a class involves accessing their values and modifying them as needed.
  • Calling methods in a class involves using the dot notation to access the method and passing arguments if necessary.

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Understanding Python Classes and Objects

Before we dive into calling and working with classes in Python, let’s first establish what a class is and what an object is in Python.

A class is essentially a blueprint for creating objects. It defines a set of attributes and methods that the objects created from it will have.

On the other hand, an object is an instance of a class. It is a unique entity that has its own set of attributes and can perform the methods defined in its class.

Python is an object-oriented language, which means it revolves around classes and objects. Understanding classes and objects is crucial to writing efficient and effective Python code.

“In Python, everything is an object.”

This statement rings true because even simple data types like integers and strings are objects in Python. They have their own set of methods and attributes that can be accessed and manipulated.

Now that we have a solid understanding of classes and objects in Python, let’s move on to creating instances of a class.

Creating Class Instances in Python

Now that we understand the basics of Python classes and objects, let’s move on to creating instances of a class. To create an instance of a class, we simply use the name of the class followed by parentheses, like this:

my_instance = MyClass()

Here, we have created an instance of the class MyClass and assigned it to the variable my_instance.

It’s important to note that each instance of a class is unique and has its own set of attributes and methods. For example, if we were to create two instances of the MyClass class, they would have different values for their attributes and any changes made to one instance would not affect the other.

The process of creating an instance of a class is known as instantiation, and it’s a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming.

Object Initialization

When we create an instance of a class, we can pass arguments to the class’s constructor method, which is called __init__(). This allows us to initialize the object with specific values.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
        self.attr1 = arg1
        self.attr2 = arg2

In the above example, we’ve defined a constructor method for the class MyClass and included two parameters arg1 and arg2. The parameters are used to set the values of the instance attributes attr1 and attr2.

  1. To create an instance of MyClass with the arguments value1 and value2, we would write:

my_instance = MyClass(value1, value2)

Accessing Instance Attributes

Once we have created an instance of a class, we can access its attributes using dot notation. For example, to access the attr1 attribute of my_instance, we would write:


This would output the value of the attr1 attribute for that particular instance.


We’ve covered the basics of creating class instances in Python, including instantiation and object initialization. We’ve also seen how to access instance attributes, which is a crucial part of working with classes. In the next section, we’ll cover how to call methods within a class.

Initializing a Class and Working with Attributes

Before we can start calling methods on a class in Python, we first need to create an instance of the class. This is done through a process known as instantiation, which involves creating an object from a class. For instance, if we have a class named Car, we can create an instance of that class like this:

car_instance = Car()

Once we have an instance of a class, we can access and work with the attributes of that instance. This is done using the dot notation, whereby we specify the name of the instance followed by a period and the name of the attribute. For example, if our car_instance has an attribute named make, we can access it like this:

car_make = car_instance.make

Similarly, we can set the value of an attribute like this:

car_instance.make = "Toyota"

Now, the value of the make attribute for our car_instance is “Toyota”.

We can also define a special method called the constructor, which is used to initialize the values of attributes when an instance of the class is created. The constructor is always called __init__(), and it takes the instance itself (which is typically referred to as self) along with any other parameters that we want to use to initialize the attributes. For example:

class Car:
    def __init__(self, make, year):
        self.make = make
        self.year = year

car_instance = Car("Toyota", 2022)
print(car_instance.make) # Output: Toyota
print(car_instance.year) # Output: 2022

In this example, we’ve defined a class called Car with a constructor that takes two parameters: make and year. Inside the constructor, we’re initializing the values of the make and year attributes using the values that were passed in as parameters. We then create an instance of the Car class using the values “Toyota” and 2022, and we can see that the values of the make and year attributes are correctly set when we print them out.

Working with attributes is an important part of working with classes in Python, as it allows us to store and retrieve data on instances of our classes. The constructor provides us with a way to initialize the values of these attributes when the instances are created, while the dot notation allows us to access and modify those values as needed.

Calling Methods in a Class

Now that we have an understanding of how to create class instances and work with class attributes, it’s time to learn how to call methods within a class in Python.

A method is a function that is defined within a class, and can be called on an instance of that class. Methods can be used to modify the state of the object, or perform some action related to the object’s behavior.

Let’s take a look at an example:

# Define a class

class Car:

    def __init__(self, make, model, year):

        self.make = make

        self.model = model

        self.year = year

    def start_engine(self):

        print(“The engine is now running.”)

    def stop_engine(self):

        print(“The engine has now stopped.”)

# Instantiate a Car object

my_car = Car(“Honda”, “Civic”, 2021)

# Call the start_engine method


In the example above, we defined a class called “Car” that has two methods: “start_engine” and “stop_engine”. We then created an instance of the Car class called “my_car”, and called the “start_engine” method using the dot notation.

Note that we do not need to pass any arguments to the methods in this example.

Methods can also accept arguments, just like regular functions. Let’s modify the “start_engine” method to accept an argument:

# Define a class

class Car:

    def __init__(self, make, model, year):

        self.make = make

        self.model = model

        self.year = year

    def start_engine(self, sound):

        print(f”The engine is now running with the sound of {sound}.”)

# Instantiate a Car object

my_car = Car(“Honda”, “Civic”, 2021)

# Call the start_engine method with an argument

my_car.start_engine(“vroom vroom”)

In the modified example, we added an argument called “sound” to the “start_engine” method, and modified the print statement to include the value of the “sound” argument.

Overall, calling methods within a class in Python is fairly straightforward. Just remember to use the dot notation, and to pass any necessary arguments to the method.


Now that we have learned how to work with classes in Python, we can use this knowledge to create powerful and efficient programs. Remember, classes are the foundation of object-oriented programming, and mastering them will take your code to the next level.

In this guide, we covered several topics related to classes in Python, including how to call a class, create class instances, initialize a class, access attributes, and call methods. Each of these topics is crucial to understanding how classes work and how they can be used in your code.

By calling a class in Python, we can create objects that have their own unique properties and methods. This allows us to create modular, reusable code that can be easily adapted and expanded as needed.

Keep Practicing!

As with any skill, the key to mastering classes in Python is practice. Take what you have learned here and experiment with creating your own classes and objects. Try out different methods and attributes, and see how they affect the behavior of your code.

With time and practice, you will become a master of classes in Python and will be able to create powerful and efficient programs that can tackle any task.


Q: How do I call a class in Python?

A: To call a class in Python, you need to create an instance of the class using its name followed by parentheses. This will invoke the class and allow you to use its methods and access its attributes.

Q: What is the difference between a class and an object in Python?

A: In Python, a class is a blueprint or template for creating objects, while an object is an instance of a class. A class defines the properties and behaviors that its objects will have, while an object represents a specific instance of that class with its own set of property values.

Q: How do I create a class instance in Python?

A: To create a class instance in Python, you first need to define the class using the ‘class’ keyword. Then, you can create an instance of the class by calling the class name followed by parentheses. This will create a new object of that class.

Q: How do I initialize a class in Python and work with its attributes?

A: In Python, you can initialize a class by defining a special method called ‘__init__()’. This method is automatically called when a new instance of the class is created and allows you to initialize the object’s attributes. To access and work with the attributes of a class, you can use dot notation, i.e., ‘object.attribute’.

Q: How do I call methods in a class in Python?

A: To call methods in a class in Python, you need to use dot notation, i.e., ‘object.method()’. This will invoke the method and perform the actions defined within it. You can also pass arguments to methods by including them within the parentheses.

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